Thursday, February 24, 2011

no long term repercussions

weakness. where does it start?
let's start with emotion. perhaps easiest way to influence a person
is to utilize the emotion. when you try to convince others, you try to play
with their emotions. you try to find out what makes them tick. you try to find
out how to get their sympathy. everything else follows.

however, it's not weakness through emotions. we all have the right
or perhaps the responsibility of inquiry to whatever is presented to us.
it's a matter of choice. weakness comes when you let them play
with your emotion and omit the usage of your mind. in the end, you've just become
a tool. when you try to realize the things, it's all too late. the die has been cast.
at the end of the day, you thought you have acquired something, you think you've
done something great. it's all because you're clinging to something that you think
will be your foundation, or perhaps rigid feel big because you think someone thinks like you or someone has the same sentiments as you do. but in the end, you're just a tool.

because of this fantasy, you feel big over something or perhaps someone. you hurt someone
just because you thought you were right.

you become weak. you are weak.

learn to stand on your own but also see where you are standing. learn to inquire. learn to make choices.
sometimes, you have to clash with your own friends to make them realize what is right, because not all of the times, they are.


  1. i hope everything's doing well.. :)

    and sometimes, you also need to be humble and embrace the fact that people are not perfect and so we can only hope that yes, learning and growing follows..

