Monday, November 15, 2010

the electric fan is so noisy

I don't expect to fit in to much of people's expectations or standards. But let me tell you one thing
people are simply like MnM's Peanuts. They have different colors on the outside but if you start eating them
they're all sweet. In the inside they're all peanuts.

I was never the guy of good qualities. I was never the caring type, the too kind, the very gentlemanly, the polite, the smart one, the brave one, the courageous one. Heck I was never much in any of those.
It doesn't guarantee that when you have done something good the means are good too.

I'm not a hero. I'm the anti-hero.

On a side note though,  I'm just being honest.


  1. oh no.. i tend to disagree.. because truth is, you are those too in your own versions...

    good qualities.. caring type, kind, gentleman, polite, smart, brave, courageous.. in the rex's way..

    and i'm just being honest as well..

